Do you know all of the Jewish experiences your community provides?

Are your community’s Jewish organizations meeting the needs of everyone who is, or could be, a part of your community?

Is there a void of programming or engagement initiatives for certain yet unreached audiences?

Jewish communities are undergoing rapid changes. Demographics are shifting. People are looking for new and exciting ways to make a meaningful connection to Jewish community. It may be time for you to adapt, adjust, and innovate to meet your community’s changing needs. We gather data and provide analysis so you know what assets and offerings your community has, whether they are being leveraged effectively for maximum impact, and how your audiences and potential audiences want to and are experiencing your community’s Jewish life. We partner with you to understand how this information can be leveraged to advance your goals.

Understanding Interests and Needs

Uncovers important information about audiences’ needs, interests, and demand for your current and prospective offerings, whether in Jewish education, engagement, or social services. This enables you to make budgetary decisions with your current and potential audiences in mind.

Mapping Communal Assets

Shows which assets exist and are utilized in a community, and how they could be leveraged to better deliver offerings that audiences want. By combining this information with demographic and other community data, we can help inform your local strategic philanthropic priorities.

Analyzing the Marketplace

Compares organizations’ capacities to deliver offerings with what target audiences consume. Sometimes this “supply and demand” aligns well; other times major gaps are revealed. Our systematic inventory of local Jewish offerings and the consumption of them helps you make data-informed decisions and investments.

Is your community engaging all audiences in Jewish life?

We gather information you need to plan for sustainable and meaningful Jewish community.

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Rosov Consulting is a professional services firm that supports Jewish foundations, Federations and Jewish nonprofits in North America, Israel, and abroad around evaluation, applied research, impact assessment, and the design and implementation of data collection efforts to inform strategy development and planning.