Evaluate 10 programs in the Foundation’s Professional Development Initiative and identify Shared Outcomes in which all their efforts can be assessed [Read More...]
Building an Endowment, Leaving a Legacy
Assess the impact and future potential of the LIFE & LEGACY Initiative [Read More...]
Perception is Reality
Assess how The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute (VLJI) is perceived by various stakeholder groups, particularly as it implements its new strategic approach, The Social Impact of Deep Ideas. [Read More...]
Gathering Information to Support Communal Change
Assess the Jewish educational religious, cultural, and social service interests of the Montreal Jewish community [Read More...]
Bringing Data Into the Decision-Making Process
Develop a plan for measuring and evaluating the outcomes of Rose Community Foundation’s investments in Jewish life in the Greater Denver area [Read More...]
Shaping the Future of Leadership Development
Conduct research to answer important questions that will inform the future of the Wexner Graduate Fellowship/Davidson Scholars Program [Read More...]