What We Read in March 2020
Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of March’s #RosovReads.
How To Embrace Remote Work
Trello, a web-based list-making app, offers a timely “guide of tried and tested strategies, from the world’s leading companies for remote work.”
Benchmarking Foundation Evaluation Practices 2020
The Center for Evaluation Innovation offers a comprehensive review of evaluation and learning practices at foundations, with benchmarking data on foundation evaluation practice collected in 2019 from 161 foundations.
Closing the Evaluation Gap
Kim Flores, cofounder and CEO of Algorhythm, writes in the Stanford Social Innovations Review that while evaluations have become critical to nonprofit performance, they are prohibitively expensive for many organizations. Solving this problem will make the sector more equitable and successful.
5 Reasons to Use SPSS Syntax
The Analysis Factor explains that there are “some really, really good reasons to use the syntax” as well as SPSS to run analysis.
Paving the Way for Change Through Social and Emotional Learning
Dr. Jeffrey S. Kress of the William Davidson Graduate School of Education at the Jewish Theological Seminary shares in eJewish Philanthropy the several steps that organizations can take to pave the way for smooth movement to inclusivity and diversity (or any educational change, for that matter).