What We Read in June 2022
Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of June’s #RosovReads.
The Jim Joseph Foundation puts together a collection of learnings from their Professional Development Initiative Evaluation.
Jewish education needs post-Covid investment, says new report
Simon Rocker suggests funders should be willing to ‘take risks’ to encourage innovation through lower-cost programs such as tours and camps.
Study of Jewish LA
The Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles began the public release of their new community study today (the first since 1997).
The State of the Field
Hebrew at the Center has released a state-of-the-field report on Hebrew Education in North American day schools.
Israel’s Unique Role in Global Justice
Dyonna Ginsburg (OLAM) and Yehuda Kurtzer (Shalom Hartman Institute – North America) have a conversation on Israel, Judaism, Tikkun Olam, and Social Justice.