What We Read in June 2021
Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of June’s #RosovReads.
We Pressed Pause to Reflect on Our Evaluation Process. Here’s What We Learned.
Rella Kaplowitz and Jasmine Laroche of the Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies share what they learned by stopping their evaluation of programs and assessing their full approach to evaluation without the pressure of turning around a deliverable.
How younger U.S. Jews are similar to – and different from – older U.S. Jews
Jeff Diamant of the Pew Research Center takes a closer look at the recent Pew report on Jewish Americans to compare younger and older Jews to each other.
Walking the Tightrope of Work and Play: Insights on Designing Professional Development Experiences
Kiva Rabinsky of M² discusses designing educator training programs while keeping in mind five dichotomies that present ten desirable aims, which are in opposition with another.