What We Read in July 2023

August 10, 2023 | News

Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of July’s #RosovReads.

Rigorous Evaluation Versus Trust-Based Learning: Is This a Valid Dichotomy? – The Center for Effective Philanthropy
Brenda Solorzano discusses the implications and potential of the “trust-based learning” framework in philanthropy.

Why Don’t Nonprofit Boards Base Decisions on Evidence?
This article is part 1 of a five-part series about evidence-based decision-making in nonprofit organizations.

Use cases for Jewish engagement data
How operating organization use cases for engagement data is the linchpin to making the case for centralized data collection and analysis. 

The Jewish Community of Jamaica | My Jewish Learning
The Jews of Jamaica make up a small but vibrant religious community centered today in the capital of Kingston.

Best practices for selecting the right consultants for a job
Drawing on its own experiences, the Jim Joseph Foundation recommends the best ways to find and work with outside consultants.

