What We Read in July 2022
Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of Julys’s #RosovReads.
New evidence shows that the very act of giving feedback on nonprofit programs can predict participant outcomes.
Why Do Parents Choose Independent Schools?
This booklet dives into the market of independent schools through a “Jobs-to-be-done” framework in four categories that parents look for when choosing a school for their child(ren).
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This interactive site focuses on improving language in writing related to evolving social, cultural, and identity-related topics.
Asaf Elia-Shalev explores the complicated relationship between American Jewish family foundations, the inherited wealth from oil and gas, and their relation to environmental justice.