What We Read in August 2019
Nearly every day, Rosov Consulting team members share articles and blogs of interest on one of our many Slack channels, #RosovReads. We find some of these articles to be so insightful, informative, or even surprising that we want to share them more broadly to help our colleagues and partners. Enjoy some of August’s #RosovReads.
The Danger Of Bad Forensic Analysis
Patrick Lencioni writes in Chief Executive about how media often fail to cover the impact that the human behavior of executives has on the performance of their organizations.
A Record Gift to Help Navigate an “Unprecedented Crossroads of Jewish History”
Inside Philanthropy covers major grants to the Shalom Hartman institute of North America to expand capacity and allow it to shape conversations about Jewish pluralism, Jewish peoplehood, the American Jewish future and its relationship to Israel.
The Women Seen and Heard!
Rabbi B. Elka Abrahamson writes in eJewish Philanthropy about the gender balance on display at the JPRO19 conference.
10 authors who capture what it’s like to grow up in an interfaith family
JTA highlights ten books whose authors are either interfaith Jews, parents of interfaith Jews, and/or authors who write characters from interfaith families, that tackle the experience of coming from a mixed religion family.
BBYO as a Case Study in Jewish Teen Engagement
Steven Windmueller, Ph.D. writes in eJewish Philanthropy about the deep impact BBYO has had on American Jewish communal and religious leadership.