Get to Know Our New Staff

September 10, 2021 | News

Over the past month, we’ve had four new staff members join our team at Rosov Consulting. We thought it would be fun to get to know them a little bit. Please feel free to reach out to them and say hello!

Megan Brown, Project Associate

Megan Brown brings a background in Cognitive Psychology and quantitative research methods.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: I worked for a commercial maintenance company creating maps of buildings with the lights that need to be serviced.

Hidden talents or hobbies: I can count the number of letters in a word weirdly fast.

Favorite subject in school: Math

Desired superpower: Teleportation

Ice cream flavor: Cookies and cream

Email Megan: mbrown [at]

Bailey Kohlbeck, Project Associate

Bailey Kohlbeck brings a background in qualitative research and grant evaluation.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: Historical Interpreter at a State Park

Spirit animal: River otter

Hidden talents or hobbies: Very good at Mario Kart

Favorite subject in school: Social studies

Desired superpower: Telekenisis

Ice cream flavor: Cookie dough

Email Bailey: bkohlbeck [at]

Daria Saprykina, Project and Operations Assistant

Daria Saprykina brings many years of experience in political science, higher education, and news media to her role.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: Pet-sitter for rats

Spirit animal: Definitely a cat

Hidden talents or hobbies: I love karaoke

Favorite subject in school: English

Desired superpower: Ability to fly

Email Daria: dsaprykina [at]

Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz, Director of Survey Research

Laurence Kotler-Berkowitz brings more than two decades of experience conducting research in the Jewish communal sector.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: I once collected surveys for a presidential election exit poll

Spirit animal: My dog!

Hidden talents or hobbies: I’m oddly good at getting crying babies to calm down and fall asleep

Favorite subject in school: History

Desired superpower: Time travel

Ice cream flavor: Mint chocolate chip

Email Laurence: lkberkowitz [at]