Get to Know Our New Staff

September 16, 2022 | News

Over the summer, we’ve had three new staff members join our team at Rosov Consulting. We thought it would be fun to get to know them a little bit. Please feel free to reach out to them and say hello!

Kierstin Miller, Project Associate

Kierstin Miller brings a background in environmental consulting and data science.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: I worked seven summers at the Colorado Renaissance Festival

Hidden talents or hobbies: I love D&D, and I’m very good at Rubik’s Cubes and being a human GPS.

Favorite subject in school: Art History

Desired superpower: Telekinesis

Ice cream flavor: Salted Caramel Oreo + Darkest Chocolate

Email Kierstin: kmiller [at]

Koah Yankova, Project and Operations Assistant

Koah Yankova brings a background in administrative assisting and customer service.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: I briefly tried making and selling homemade soaps and candles

Hidden talents or hobbies: Drawing

Favorite subject in school: Art

Desired superpower: Shapeshifting

Ice cream flavor: Coconut or Ube

Email Koah: kyankova [at]

Lev Paasche-Orlow, Project Associate

Lev Paasche-Orlow brings a background social movement studies, in-depth interviewing, and qualitative analysis.

Most unique or strangest job you’ve ever had: I worked as a ranch hand on a free range cattle ranch in Northern British Columbia

Spirit animal: Bumble bee

Hidden talents or hobbies: Brewin’ Kombucha

Favorite subject in school: Sociology

Desired superpower: Teleportation (it would make hiking all that much more rewarding)

Ice cream flavor: Anything Ben & Jerry’s

Email Lev: lpaascheorlow [at]