5 Questions with Avigail Muller Waknine

August 21, 2017 | News

In “5 Questions With…,” we share a brief Q&A with a staff member. In this edition, we hear from Avigail Muller Waknine, M.A., who joined Rosov Consulting in 2016 with a diverse background in organizational consulting, human resources, and Jewish informal education.


1. What experiences have led you into your current career path?

The earliest experience to have a strong impact on my professional position today was my role as youth counselor during high school and  college. I quickly became fascinated by the role of “facilitator” and “mentor” in a group, and by the endless ways to informally educate and engage teens from diverse backgrounds. Throughout my years as a Bnei Akiva counselor, I gradually became more dedicated to and inspired by the work of Jewish engagement and leadership development. Being a camper and then a camp counselor myself, I became invested in the experiences outside of the school classroom that could play a meaningful part in a young adult’s development. My experiences as a camper and a counselor provided me with opportunities to not only reflect on the structure and dynamics within the Bnei Akiva body, but also to take ownership of the space that I was in and to lead the necessary change efforts. That specific trajectory at Bnei Akiva played a significant role in where I am today at RC.

2. What do you like learning about most through your work?

I am fascinated by the process of collecting data and then weaving all of what we hear, read, and observe into a coherent and informative report or client presentation. I am grateful for the opportunity to learn how to take a step back from the data analysis and ask myself, “What is the story here? What does this graph tell us about the impact of this specific intervention on a child’s classroom experience?” This kind of skill, of developing a “meta” approach to analysis, while also effectively utilizing the details, is something in my daily work that stimulates me.

3. What do you like most about working at Rosov Consulting?

I am grateful for the dedication and passion with which we go about our work. This passion and commitment is palpable, observed during internal RC meetings and interactions with clients, and from the deliverables we produce.

4. What are some challenges of your work?

A challenge that’s aligned with my learning curve is the ability to be very meticulous and unbiased with the data we collect, while simultaneously always maintaining a high-level perspective of the people, initiative, or organization we are evaluating. Efficiently applying the intricate details without losing focus of the bigger picture is something I always strive for in my work.

5. The professional question that keeps me up at night is...

How can I do better?