What information should we include on our contact list?
The most important item on your organization’s list is contact information including the physical address of your members and/or participants and an email address. If you have both, please be sure to include them. Additional information—such as names, phone numbers, and demographic characteristics—will also be helpful to us. Please include this kind of additional information regardless of whether you have information on physical addresses. Download a sample contact list template.
What file format can we use?
The best formats are .xlsx or .csv, but we can work with just about any file format you have. If you upload a file format we have difficulty opening, we’ll work with you to figure it out.
Who will have access to our lists and where will they be stored?
Only staff at Rosov Consulting and SSRS, our survey research partners, will have access to the lists. Members of the CJP staff will not have access to them. Contact lists will be securely stored at Rosov Consulting in our Dropbox Business system (see here for information on how Dropbox protects files). Rosov Consulting will transfer lists to SSRS via a secure connection between the two organizations. Once at SSRS, data are maintained on password-protected servers in project-specific folders accessible to project staff only.
How will the contact lists be utilized?
Rosov Consulting will keep one copy of all the lists and share a separate copy with SSRS. Then, each of us will use the lists for different reasons.
SSRS will deduplicate their copy of the lists, merge them into a single database, and draw a random sample of households from the database. SSRS will then contact people on the list who have been randomly selected and invite them to participate in the survey.
Rosov Consulting will keep their lists as is and use them to conduct an organizational analysis for your organization and CJP. The analysis will examine the number/proportion of unique individuals that appear on each list, the proportion that appear on other lists, the types of lists that individuals/households appear on (e.g. Social Service, Education, Israel, Arts and Culture, etc.), the geographic distribution of individuals/households, and more. Each organization that provides a list will receive a customized report about their list. Rosov Consulting will not contact people on your lists for this organizational analysis.
Will Rosov Consulting’s analysis about our list be shared with other organizations?
CJP will receive an overall analysis that includes information about your organizational lists, but only in a deidentified manner. That means that no specific names, addresses, or other personally identifiable information (PII) from your list will be shared with CJP. For example, CJP will receive information about the share of people on your list who are unique to your list, but they won’t know who those people are, where they live, or other PII.
No other organization will receive any information about your list. Like your organization, all other organizations will receive a customized report about their list, but they won’t know anything about your list.
Are there any other ways that the contact lists will be used?
Rosov Consulting and/or their designated research partners may use the lists again in the future to contact people for additional research only per the terms of work contracted with CJP. We assure you that the lists will not be used now or in the future for marketing, fundraising, events, publications, or any purpose other than research.
Are people on contact lists the only people SSRS will contact for the survey?
No, not at all. SSRS has proven sampling methods to contact other people for the survey also. That’s important, because we want to hear from people who are on Jewish organizational lists and from people who are not. The final sample that SSRS develops will be representative of the entire Boston Jewish community, not just those who are on the contact lists. It’s important to note that individuals who appear on your list may also appear on another organization’s list or be included in the sample through publicly available information.
Can you tell us a little more about the community survey?
Absolutely! The 2025 Greater Boston Jewish Community Study is the seventh Jewish community study undertaken by CJP since 1965. As in the past, the 2025 study will inform the critical communal work of CJP, Jewish social service agencies, organizations, and congregations. It will also serve as the basis for ongoing follow-up research after the community study is completed, and we expect that it will be used by the national research community. We are committed to submitting the survey design and questionnaire to an independent institutional review board (IRB) to ensure that it meets the highest ethical standards in research involving human subjects. You can learn more about the 2025 Greater Boston Jewish Community study at CJP’s website.
If you have any other general questions about the 2025 Greater Boston Jewish Community Study, please contact Eliza Greenberg, Community Study Manager at CJP at ElizaG@cjp.org, or Megan Brown, Project Associate at Rosov Consulting at bostoncs25@rosovconsulting.com.